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Custom fabricated Slip Ring assembly for transmission of control and power circuits in missile guidance radar. Completely sealed and enclosed with air line assembly and gear driven joint swivel along with micro switches. Total weight of the unit is less than 43 lbs. Total number of circuits is 93.

Performance Characteristics

High Power Circuits Low Power
Number of Circuits: 2 4
Frequency: d.c. to 400 cps d.c. to 400 cps
Rated Power:
Insertion Loss:
Noise Resistance:
Max Voltage: All circuits 30 vdc, 30 vrms
Rated Current: 300 amp dc 7.5 amp dc
Circuit Resistance: 0.05ohm
Cross Talk 400 CPS 600 Ohm Load: All Circuits >30db.

Performance Characteristics
Audio Frequency D-C Radio Frequency Circuits
Number of Circuits: 17 58 2
Frequency: + or – 1db to 5 kc/s dc-400 30 to 80 mcs
Rated Power: 70 watts
Impedence: 50 ohms
VSWR: Insertion Loss: Noise Resistance: Max Voltage: All circuits 30 vdc, 30 vrms
Rated Current: 2 amp dc 3 amp dc
Circuit Resistance: 0.09ohm
Cross Talk 400 CPS 600 Ohm Load: All Circuits >30db. >40 db attenuation
at 30 to 80 mcs
with 50 ohm load